Friday, September 4, 2015
My Last Frontier . . . Nebraska!
I jumped with joy in Omaha, Nebraska. Finally, I made it! It has always been my wish to see a sunflower pl...
Thursday, September 3, 2015
A Scenic Road trip in Alaska
Have you had a road trip to Alaska? Do it when you get a chance; you would love it. We absolutely did! My trip to Alaska was s...
A Gorgeous Sunset in Hawaii
Who doesn't want to visit Hawaii? I think most of us do! The people of Hawaii want like to share their islands with t...
A Paradise in Wyoming
Yellowstone National Park is a cherished part of Wyoming - unspoiled, a living museum, and one of North America's greates...
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Montana, my Gateway to Yellowstone National Park
They call Montana the "Treasure State." Do you know why? Because of the majestic mountain peaks surrounded by natura...
Birdcages in Delaware
I saw birdcages without birds, but I love them! Delaware is a neighboring state of New York. They don't have an airpo...
Monday, August 31, 2015
A Beautiful South Dakota
A beautiful state. This is South Dakota. I would vote for this state as one of the best states in America. I describe my tr...
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